January 29, 2012

2012 Resolutions

I'm almost a month late, but better late than never. Looking back at last year's resolutions, I have to guiltily admit that I can hardly recall the goals I previously set for myself.
  1. Eat more fruits - Still too little to feel healthy
  2. Drink more water - Yes!
  3. Sleep earlier - Getting better but still some way to go
  4. Be more physically active - Totally missed target
  5. Be more efficient - Ditto
  6. Learn to let go more - Hmm only if I did not have a choice, which is probably not a good thing
  7. Learn to cook! - Sigh

This year's resolutions will hopefully be more SMART - specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-based.
  1. Climb Mt Kinabalu (which indirectly contributes to the exercise objective since I need to train)
  2. Get a house
  3. Get a new job or go back to study
  4. Go on a holiday with mom
  5. Sleep before 1am every night
  6. Brush up my diving skills
  7. Make it a point to lunch out at least twice a week
  8. Be less of a bitch (ie. be a nicer person)
Any feedback on my resolutions?

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