February 25, 2010

What is Forever

In the midst of the endless dull hours spent on modeling some data, I have been reading the archives of Metrodad. Before digging into those old posts, I was already aware that he and his wife are divorced. But what struck me was how much they were in love with each other five years ago, or even as recent as three years earlier.

And this make me wonder how unrealistic the idea of "forever" is. If so much can change within a mere few years, what makes the billions of wedded couples around the world think that their feelings for each other can remain unchanged until they die? Is it then true to conclude that romantic love is such a fleeting feeling that it cannot be counted on to sustain a marriage?

The conventional understanding is that companionship takes over after love. But yet, I am of the firm belief that every relationship needs to be founded on love. It is only love that can make a person give in and care for another without any real benefit to oneself (not that I think relationships are a zero-sum game to begin with). Am I being unrealistic here? Or perhaps I am not at that stage of my life to seek the quiet calm of companionship yet?

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